Monday, May 23, 2011

May 23, 2011

    First let me get a few things out of the way.  I would like you to send me some stuff, A Preach My Gospel that doesn’t have anything marked in it or written in it, the April 2011 conference CD's, and some new stamps. Thanks. Also i hope you got the E-mail i sent to you about what Elder Gonzales is asking us not to put up on our Blogs and stuff, i hope that you follow his direction, it is a real threat.
    Well we are just doing great here in the ward, we had transfers last Wed and my companion and I are staying together, we are both really excited about that. He really is an exceptional missionary; because he has an honest and personal testimony of the gospel.  We had a great week, we are finding new investigators and i believe that this week is going to be a really good week. Transfer meeting was so cool! President got really serious and told us a story about how he woke up in the middle of the night and immediately started feeling that "the Lord is preparing more people than we are baptizing" he said, he told us about this communication (through sure feelings) that the Lord was not completely displeased with our efforts, but that it was time for our mission to rise to a higher level.  WOW it was amazing to hear him talk about receiving clear, direct revelation from the Lord like that, but that it was through the same power that we receive direction, our feelings, even the Holy Ghost.  Then he gave us an impassioned promise, that there was someone in every area of the Georgia Atlanta Mission that He, The Lord, was preparing to be baptized in this next transfer or the next one. It was powerful. Then my companion and I were at their house on Friday and Sis Satterfield told my companion about the experience, and that it was absolutely direct revelation that he Received.  Also while we were there President took about an hour to teach us, (just us 2, which is not common, we were very lucky) about where the mission needs to improve in our teaching, he pulled out his old "missionary teaching guide" and shared with us how he use to teach, it was a truly unique and treasured experience.  And it’s all because Sis Satterfield loves my Companion to death, he is a "manipulator" (his own words), so that makes serving in this area awesome, i truly treasure the many opportunities we have to visit with them.  The Book of Mormon reading is going well for me, It’s hard because there is so much to mark it that dang book. I have never before realized how much it is testifying of the Apostasy and restoration. Nephi's entire vision is him being taught the first missionary lesson, which is perfect for me right now because that is a focus i am trying to improve in my own teaching.  I am blown away at how much doctrine is in these first few chapters. 
   So I’m way excited about this new Golf Course worm picking, that is great i know that it is going to be a success.  Keep me in mind brothers, if you start making a fortune.  Anyway everything is good, it’s getting hot, but I’m in a car so all is well. I love you all very much, keep "being examples of the believers"!

Elder Hendrix

PS: how are dad and Darren and even Brice doing on their book of Mormon reading?

  Hey bud! How are you doing? What is going on in your life? Is school out yet? Are you playing softball this year? Mom needs to enroll you in every sport possible, tell her that.  How is your Book of Mormon reading going? What are your plans for the summer?  You should ask dad if you can help him at work, he would love that and you could start earning money to save for your mission.  I think you are sooooooooooooooooooooooo cool!

Elder Hendrix

PS: your actually sooooooooooooooo crazy

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