Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tuesday, November 30

Here he comes!!! Georgia!!
We received a call about 7:30 this morning from Elder Hendrix at the airport on his way.  He sounded excited but also ask us to pray for him. Kari was here so he talked to her for a few minutes and of course mom but most important Julie before she left for school.
He sounded great and loved the MTC.
Later on today we got a call from Mark who said his brother Alan, in Georgia, called to tell him that his wife, Andrea, who caters the meal for the mission home got a call to say that the rain in Georgia was so bad that the plane the missionaries were on had to land in Tennessee and the missionaries had to be picked up by a van from the mission so dinner would be a little later.  It will be interesting to here about the adventure from Jeff.  It is fun to have connections.

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