Dear Family,
Mom sorry I had to be so stern with you, I might have missed it somehow. Thanks Lisa for sending them to me too. Ok so guess what.....Yesterday was the best day of my mission, NO Question! So first of all it was Sunday, There is this Less active family who I have fallen in love with, they are just such a great family there are 7 kids and I just have never seen such love and closeness before, even in our family! So they have only been members for like 6 years or so, but for the last year they haven't been going because of some drama stuff in the ward they just don't feel comfortable in church, I hate drama! Any way ever since I have been here we have been challenging them to get back to church and guess what....Yesterday was the day! I was super happy for them. Then after church we went to an apointment that we had with a guy that lives in our apartment complex, to be honest he didnt seem that interested. But when we went his wife sat down with us and she was so interested she asked all of the right questions, and answered everything right too, she was really excited about the book of mormon. When we gave it to her she was looking at it like it was a thousand dollars, the spirit was so strong as we recited the first vision and she said she felt "like wheightless", It was so cool, the first vision always brings the spirit. Then like an hour later we ran into a guy right outside our apartment, his girlfriend lives above us. We started talking and he was really interested and he too asked all of the right questions, so we got his number and we are going to give him a call on Tuesday. Then we got text from one of our investigators who had a question about what Elder Stricklin had her read (Alma 32, so inspired!!) He answered her question and she got all excited and started talking about how it is exactly what she needed ect. pretty much she knows the church is true and we have taught her one lesson. SoIi was really really greatful yesterday, just recieved way more than I deserve from the LORD, He truly directs the work, the spirit testifies to that fact everyday. Our whole week was like this, we picked up 4 new investigators (we now have 11 total), and all of them are such great people searching for truth and happiness, and darned if the restored gospel of Jesus Christ isn't the perfect answer. I want to tell you about all of them but I just dont have time, next week I will. Keep looking for oppurtunites to do missionary work, pray for help and someone to be put in your path or put you in thiers, if you do I promise the LORD will answer your prayers. I Love you all very very much! Follow the Prophet, and the apostles words everyday, look for ways you can change your lives according to what they have said in recent confrences.
Elder Hendrix
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